Become a Member — Take the Pledge

The SEED® network is comprised of SEED members—individuals, groups or organizations that have elected to support the SEED Mission and Principles through their own practices. SEED members have taken the SEED Pledge and thus are actively engaged in promoting the meaning of SEED in their work. Supporting SEED through its Mission and Principles is one of the best ways to start bringing the SEED Mission to your practice on a local or global level. Join SEED today by simply reading the pledge statement below, fill in your information, and clicking on the Pledge button. This will add your name to our growing list of like-minded advocates!

SEED Pledge

I pledge to actively further the SEED Mission and SEED Principles and to use them as a guide for my work.

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Email Address*:
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* required fields

I'd like to sign up for a web login account to certify, track, and review my projects with the SEED Evaluator.

By submitting your information and taking the pledge, you will be added to the network of individuals participating in the SEED Network.

As an option, you can also establish a web account with the Network to submit, view, review and certify projects.

This pledge and submission is a first step in getting connected to others like you.

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